The People, Place & Health Collective
Brown University School of Public Health
a lab that is …
people centered
place oriented
data driven
NEW JOB: T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow – overdose prevention centers
NEW: PPHC partners with NYU on federally funded overdose prevention centers evaluation
Public health solutions for our communities
We study drugs, infectious disease, and intersecting epidemics
Traditional epidemiological research — so often disconnected from the communities it studies — is insufficient to improve health and affect policy change. Through the People, Place & Health Collective, we aim to tackle this challenge by conducting research that pairs rigorous epidemiological methods with broad, accessible communication to generate measurable and meaningful community impact. We work directly and collaboratively with members of the community, advocates, state agencies, journalists, and policymakers to achieve that change. Most of this work takes place at the local level, recognizing that where we live influences health and shapes population health outcomes.

Our specialized approach makes epidemiology accessible & impactful. Our work is …
PPHC runs a number of different community-engaged studies. These projects are largely focused on working with people who use drugs and people in recovery from substance use disorders. We work closely with community organizations and policy makers before we launch these studies in order to make sure that our work is reflective of the values and needs of our partners.
Clinically informed
Our physician-led research evaluates the effectiveness of clinical, behavioral and digital based interventions surrounding opioid use. Recruiting at a national and local level, these clinical studies aim to improve recovery, support treatment and reduce overdose.
Data Driven
Our work is data driven. We use data literacy and statistical analysis tools to advance and enhance our research and service projects. We work with state agencies and community partners on issues of data security, transformation, and translation.
Narrative Based
We link researchers to the media, organizers and activists, policymakers, and the public to maximize impact and drive change. We produce publications, advocacy documents, and plain language communications that promote health equity and health literacy.